Monday, May 23, 2011


I am
what I believe
and what I believe
is more important
than what
I am



it must be a product
of our imagination
invented by souls
that have forgotten
why they were born

Love knows not
the tick of a clock


Why is it
that some people will give greater life
to their denials
than they do
to the pain that they are trying to deny

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Physical / Spiritual
Same Place / Different Worlds
2-2=0 / Physical Law
Love - Love = More Love / Spiritual Truth

We do inhabit a physical world
But we exist in a spiritual world
Gravity makes the child slip on the ice
a mothers Love will lift the child

Each one of us lives in a unique spiritual world
Though many elements are labeled similarly
we Love, we Hate, we Enjoy, we Despair
but no one of us
can judge the breadth or depth
of another’s soul

Between our individual spiritual space bubbles
is the physical world
when one initiates a spiritual message
towards another
it must travel through a physical space

the spiritual message
must cross the initiators spiritual space bubble
across a physical void
through the recipients bubble
to be independently interpreted

sight, smell, hearing, touch, and smell
are our interfaces to a physical world
our spiritual messages
must be sent by these interfaces
traverse the physical media
and be received by those interfaces

a tear shed in joy
must be seen by another
a whispered “I Love you”
must be heard

it is possible to avoid the middle
to directly connect

spirit to spirit
soul to soul
a bridge can be made
if you dare

but to do so
you must be strong enough
to make yourself defenseless

Monday, May 16, 2011


a boy
walks a Serengeti plain
dust awakens
the flesh of feet
greet the earth of home

small worlds behind him
moistened wonder
sweat from his torso
drips and infuses
the dust of parent earth

the body
the spirit

he pauses
spirit expands
body traverses the Serengeti
soul spans it

he says thanks
to the sun
acknowledges it’s power
appreciates the sun
it provides freely

the boy knows
the power of the sun
is not energy it contains
but energy it gives
the power is the gift
the power of Love

the boy gratefully accepts
this gift from the sun
the gift he gives back

embraced by power
it becomes him
he grows
by the rays

this power was the sun
now part of the boy
in every drop of the sweat
given freely
to the earth

the boy is complete
the power of the sun
in the fruits of the field
in the animals of the plain
in the dust of his parent

he has consumed
their energy has become he

what were things of flesh and soil
manifested in him
as spirit
when his flesh stops
spirit will not
he has become
part of the true source
the power
the sun

Saturday, May 14, 2011

i believe

I realized that although I knew the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed... I had no idea what MY creed was... this is it.

i believe

first and foremost

~ to ~

infinity and lastmost





that matters


i believe in belief


and i believe in soulmates

that two people

of their own volition

can decide to unify

their individual

and turbulent soulstreams

and as the streams blend

a serene river will emerge

starting at the spiritual nexus

and ending

in a tranquil and moonlit pool

with a breadth

described by experience

and a depth

defined by Love

i believe

that two soulstreams

can become one

and establish

a single souls-glow

that is one

and when the two

are indistinguishable

the soulsglow

is inextinguishable

by time

by space

or by substance


i believe

that i can vaporize clouds

with my mind

move mountains

with my heart

that i can taste a rainbow

and always keep one with me

in my pocket

i believe that i can communicate

with dolphins

and fly

without mechanical assistance


i believe in belief

i believe in Love


i believe that some things

that are things

are important

rainbows and soapbubbles

marshmallows and jello

sliding boards


and roses

that no military armor

can ever be

more protective

than a blankie

that no friendship

will be more authentic

than that with a teddy bear

a summer thunderstorm

dry leaves in the fall

a winter snowfall

the first warm day of spring


i also believe that some things

that are not things

are important

a baby’s first cry

laughter from a child

the first Love of a youth

the warm embrace

from a familiar Loved one


i believe that all the medical sciences combined

do not have the healing power

of a mother’s kiss

on her child’s boo-boo

no matter how old the child

and all the law and the prophets

cannot impart

the wisdom

of a Loving fathers advice

no matter how old the child


i believe that when a bad thing transpires

to me or by me

then what i have to do

is change my perspective

from trying to Love me

back to just trying to Love

i believe that

no action, cause, effect, or feeling

can be bad

when it is

viewed, initiated, sensed, or felt

with Love


i believe in God

that there is a greater image

that i was made from

that i can aspire to

i believe that image

is nothing more than Love

and nothing less than Love

nothing more, nothing less



is all that matters

Love is not an it

Love is an is

i am glad for this image

of Love

of God

because now i know

that whosoever believeth

in this image

of Love

of God

shall not perish

i believe in this image

i believe that should i ever stop

worshiping the image

of Love

of God

and instead worship the worshiper

i will be human

and i will be Loved

~ but ~

i will have forgotten

that the worshiper is mortal

the image is eternal


my belief makes me know

that when Love is enfolded

on itself

it is quenched

as a cold pinprick of light

that fades off

to oblivion

~ but ~

Love unfolded


to engulf and encompass

all that is

and then becomes

all that is

i believe this is good


Love is

all that is

and is

the only is

that matters


so i believe,


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello World

My first (hopefully only) attempt at a blog. Basically a record of the paths traveled by my one synapse as it moves through the brain. I can't wait to see what comes out! - Reed