Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Physical / Spiritual
Same Place / Different Worlds
2-2=0 / Physical Law
Love - Love = More Love / Spiritual Truth

We do inhabit a physical world
But we exist in a spiritual world
Gravity makes the child slip on the ice
a mothers Love will lift the child

Each one of us lives in a unique spiritual world
Though many elements are labeled similarly
we Love, we Hate, we Enjoy, we Despair
but no one of us
can judge the breadth or depth
of another’s soul

Between our individual spiritual space bubbles
is the physical world
when one initiates a spiritual message
towards another
it must travel through a physical space

the spiritual message
must cross the initiators spiritual space bubble
across a physical void
through the recipients bubble
to be independently interpreted

sight, smell, hearing, touch, and smell
are our interfaces to a physical world
our spiritual messages
must be sent by these interfaces
traverse the physical media
and be received by those interfaces

a tear shed in joy
must be seen by another
a whispered “I Love you”
must be heard

it is possible to avoid the middle
to directly connect

spirit to spirit
soul to soul
a bridge can be made
if you dare

but to do so
you must be strong enough
to make yourself defenseless

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